before 15261 -
Life History
before 1526 |
Born in London, Middlesex.1 |
- London Consistory Court Wills 1492-1547: London Record Society 3
217. [bdle. II. 47] John Sannys. 21 Oct. 1544.
I John Sannys, letherseller and citezein of the Citie of London, commende my soule unto Almyghty God, my Maker and Redemer, and my bodye to be buryed in the parisshe churcheyarde of Saynt Benett in Grace Churche of London. I wyll that all suche dettes and dewties as I owe of righte to any person be paied by myn executour withoute any delaye. I make Richard Foster myn executour to distrybute bothe my goodes and dettes as shall seme to be for the most quyetnes of my soule and of the execucion of the same I make Bartilmewe Drome my overseer. I utterly revoke all former testamentes. Witnesses, Thomas Jaxson, Phelip Ryppyngton, Thomas Phejamys with other moo.
[The will was registered in the prerogative court (P.C.C. 17 Pynnyng) and there is a note that for various reasons Richard Foster refused executorship, but administration of the goods of the deceased was granted to Robert Stannys, his brother.]
Written on a small slip of parchment with the bottom slit for a seal strip which has been lost. From: 'Separate wills: 1544-47 (nos. 200-45)', London Consistory Court Wills 1492-1547: London Record Society 3 (1967), pp. 125- 150. URL: Date accessed: 04 June 2012.
- 1. British History Online
- (secondary evidence)