- 1513 Royal Dock built at Deptford
Stuart Deptford
1660s Samuel Pepys visited Deptford on naval work
1685 - 1688 James II
1689 - 1702 William III & Mary II
1697 Docks employed 697 men
1698 Peter the Great worked at Royal Dock as carpenter
to learn ship design.
Stayed with the diarist John Evelyn at Sayes Court
1702 - 1714 Anne
1711 Docks employed 1100 men
Georgian Deptford
1714 - 1727 George I
1727 - 1760 George II
1730 St. Paul, Deptford by Thomas Archer completed
1759 Sayes Court used as a workhouse
1760 - 1820 George III
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